Attorney General’s Office (AGO) Conducts High Council Meeting


On November 5, 2017, Saranpooh Mohammad Farid Hamidi, Attorney General (AG) of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan chaired the  AGO High Council meeting.

The High Council meeting begun with introducing Ms. Seena D/O Sufi Khan as Deputy Attorney General (DAG) for Elimination of Violence against Women Affairs, Juvenile Offenses and Observing Human Rights.  

Following, DAG for Finance and Administrative Affairs, Wahidudin Arghon provided information to members of the high council regarding Fifth National Prosecutors’ Conference which is to be held in the near future.

Mr. Arghon added; “To conduct the above mentioned conference, six working committees have been established and these committees would be in charge to organize the conference.”   

At the end of the meeting, a draft of the rules to regulate the Travel Banned individuals’ affairs, was presented to the high council, which was prepared by the Investigation Prosecution Office and Decision Enforcement Directorate, and evaluated by Legislative Committee.

The high council meeting approved the mentioned draft of rules after negotiations and exchange of ideas. The council observed it effective for ensuring fundamental rights and freedom of the citizens of the country.