Attorney General’s Office (AGO) Human Resources Director Visits the National Legal Training Center – Kabul University
Mohammad Nasir Himmat, AGO-HR Director along with other employees of this office visited the National Legal Training Center – Kabul University on December 2, 2017.
Aim of this visit was to identify current challenges and hear suggestions of students of this center.
Mohammad Nasir Himmat pointing to students of this center said, “after graduation and passing a transparent process, you will be hired in AGO Professional Directorates.”
Mr. Himmat added, “Capacity and ability of applicants’ have always been a standard for the AGO while recruiting employees within professional and administrative sections, and will be hired through a transparent process.
He emphasized, that, “AGO performs its duties based on commitment to Allah and the country, and free of any kind of affiliation.
HR Director added, “You should rely on yourselves and your knowledge. No one else will have a role in recruitment except applicants themselves. Based on current standards, people, who attain higher marks, will be hired.”
Mr. Himmat pointing to rejuvenation and professionalization of AGO professional and administrative sections based on capacity and merit, added, “We will change AGO to an office led by committed youth having dominance in technology.”
The AGO HR director also emphasized on attendance sheet to be observed seriously.
Mohammad Wasil Sharafat, Head of Secretariat of the Legal Center - Kabul University thanked the Director for visiting this center.
He added, “Nobody has ever visited the Human Resources Department of this center. Mr. Sharafat said, “This kind of visits will encourage not only students, but also others who come here to seek justice and professional trainings.”
According to head of secretariat, legal stage center of Kabul university recruits 100 individuals through Kankor (Entrance) Exams and 100 individuals through government institutions which recently increased the number of students.
Students of this center expressed their happiness on teaching methods and professors’ behavior, adding that their professional skills increased in comparison to past.
According to them, their concern is about their recruitment in AGO professional sections after graduation.
AGO HR Director promised, “Those who accomplish current standards and graduate with competitive professional knowledge will certainly be hired.
The National Legal Training Center of Kabul University officially commenced on June 9, 2007 based on former presidential decree as an independent and official institution to increase legal and professional knowledge of the justice institutions staff and Law and Sharia graduates.
The mentioned center was merged into the Kabul University Organizational Structure on June 19, 2007 and many people have graduated from this center so far.