Colonel Mohammad Nazar Hakimi Assigned as AGO Control and Surveillance Director


Colonel Mohammad Nazar Hakimi Assigned as AGO Control and Surveillance Director

Saranpoh Noor Habib Jalal, Deputy Attorney General for Investigation Affairs, introduced Colonel Hakimi as AGO Control and Surveillance Director on Sunday, October 9, 2016. In the program held for this purpose, Wahiddudin Arghawan, Deputy of AGO for Administrative and Finance, Pohanmal Maliha Hassan, Deputy AGO for Elimination of Violence against Women, Juvenile Violations and Protection of Human Rights, and central heads of this office were also present.

Change in positions of an office is a common trend. These changes are necessary to improve the affairs of the office. In this program, Mr. Jalal said, “The AGO works to implement justice. One of the duties of the Control and Care Directorate is to fight against administrative corruption. We hope that this directorate can take serious actions in fighting corruption and recognizing the corrupt people.”

One objective of the National Unity Government is to fight corruption. As a law implementer entity, AGO has an important role in fighting corruption. As Mr. Jalal said, “AGO will support the counter administrative corruption trend with all possibilities.” 

Colonel Mohammad Nazar Hakimi received his education in the fields of law and police. Prior to this position, he worked investigative positions as Head and Deputy of Heavy Crimes. As per suggestion of Attorney General of Afghanistan and decree No. 2159 of the President of Afghanistan, Colonel Hakimi is appointed to Head, Care and Control of AGO.