Communication and Report Writing Training was conducted


Communication and Report Writing Training was conducted

Communications and Report writing training was conducted by Afghanistan Justice Sector Support Program (JSSP). The two-day training was conducted for AGO administrative staffs in Kabul. Participants learnt communication elements, concepts, practices, types of communications, organizational communication and report writing skills.

Forming an effective communication is the key to accomplish the objectives of an organization. “Monesa Barakzai” one of the AGO staff who participated in this program, and found this training very useful, stated that: “This training helps us in all formal and informal communications daily we make. We learned very important and informative points.”

Mohammad Rafi Shirzai another participant of this program said: “we learned many useful points from this program; the types of communication, organizational communication and other topics taught in this training can help us communicate with other units and organizations effectively.  

Mohammad Mumtaz Neshat, another participant, thanked sponsors of the program (JSSP) and said: “The training topics were related to our daily activities. Such trainings can help us improve our work productivity.”

JSSP is an important sponsor of Attorney General’s Office. This organization has been supporting AGO for several years through capacity building trainings and provision of office facilities.