Counter Narcotics Special Prosecution Office Submits 574 sets of mobile phones to the Ministry of Finance
On October 03, 2017, the Counter Narcotics Special Prosecution Office conducted the ceremony with the participation of General Director of Counter Narcotics Special Prosecution Office, Saranmal Mohammad Aref Noori and some other employees of this office as well as representatives of the Ministry of Finance.
Out of 574, this office confiscated 27 sets of mobile phones and 7 sets of Thuraya (Satellite) phones in 2014/2015, 134 sets of mobile phones in 2015/2016 and 406 sets of mobile phones in 2016/2017 during body search operations of drug trafficking suspects.
After completing legal procedures, the tripartite courts have ordered confiscation of the mentioned items in accordance with article 18 of the Law on Anti-Narcotics and Intoxicants and in this program the items have been submitted to representatives of the Ministry of Finance.